Episode 177: Seeds We’re Starting This Year 

As we recorded this episode, snow was gently falling outside our windows here in New England. But that isn’t depressing for us—it simply means it’s time to start our seeds! Today we are joined by digital editor Christine, and we are talking all about which seeds we’re starting this year and why. There’s an assortment of edibles and flowers on our lists, and we discuss the best practices for getting them to germinate. Do all seeds need a heat mat? Or is it a good idea to pop your packets of seeds in the freezer before sowing them into a soil block? Get the answers to these pressing questions (and find out which zinnia had Danielle and Carol screaming with delight) in this pre-spring conversation.  

Expert: Christine Alexander is the digital content editor at Fine Gardening. 



Danielle’s Plants 

‘Green Lightning’ patty pan squash 

‘Shimmer’ celosia (Celosia argentea var. plumosa ‘Shimmer’, annual) 

‘Mojito’ cucumber 


‘Green Lightning’ patty pan squash  (credit: PanAmerican Seed®)
‘Shimmer’ celosia (credit: Johnny’s Selected Seeds)
‘Mojito’ cucumber (credit: Johnny’s Selected Seeds)


Carol’s Plants  

‘Agave’ zinnia (Zinnia elegans ‘Agave’, annual) 

‘Happy Ring’ cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Happy Ring’, annual) 

‘Alexandria’ alpine strawberry (Fragaria vesca ‘Alexandria’, Zones 5-9) 

‘Agave’ zinnia (credit: Johnny’s Selected Seeds)
Carol and her 9-foot tall cosmos
‘Happy Ring’ cosmos, featured in Sarah Partyka’s article in Issue #206


Christine’s Plants  

‘Blacktail Mountain’ watermelon  

 SimplySalad® Kale Storm (mix) 

 ‘Juliet’ tomato 


‘Alexandria’ alpine strawberry
‘Blacktail Mountain’ watermelon. Courtesy: High Mowing Seeds
SimplySalad® Kale Storm (mix). Courtesy PanAmerican Seed
‘Juliet’ tomato. Courtesy Johnny’s Selected Seeds






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