2025 Home Goals – Two Month Progress Report

This weekend, I was feeling a bit down and anxious about the lack of progress over the last few days. Yes, the floor in the master bedroom suite is getting sanded, but that process has gone slower than I had expected. But if all goes as planned, it should be done today. That means that by the end of the day, workers will be out of our house and the project will be completely in my hands from here on out. That moment can’t come quick enough.

So I decided to look back over my list of 2025 home goals and see just how much I’ve gotten done, and how much I still have to do. This was a good time for it because we’re just entering March, which means we’re now 1/6th of the way through the year. I have ten more months to knock off as many of the items on my 2025 list as possible.

I was very encouraged by looking back over my list and checking off the items that have been done. I think it was in 2023 that I did these “progress report” posts on a monthly basis to keep myself focused. It was actually a great encouragement and accountability for me. I won’t be doing them monthly this year, but I might do it every two months or so to keep myself accountable and motivated.

As it turns out, I’ve gotten quite a lot done in the first two months of 2025! It doesn’t seem like I’ve gotten a lot done simply because most of the work so far hasn’t been done in the bedroom suite. And let’s face it. The bedroom suite is the project that all of us want to see done, right? The bedroom suite is and will be the “main event” of 2025. But it’s far from the only thing on my 2025 list. So as a review and a two-month progress report, here’s what I’ve done so far in 2025.

And I built the steps to the front door of the workshop.

And while this wasn’t on my original list for the year, I had some much-needed gutters installed on the workshop.

I had hardwood flooring installed throughout the bedroom suite. This wasn’t a DIY project, but it’s progress!

And while it’s not quite finished, so I can’t actually check it off of the list yet, the floors are getting sanded now and will (hopefully) be done by the end of today.

And while this wasn’t an individual line item on my original list, I also got all of the drywall repairs finished in the walk-in closet/laundry room, got the walls primed, and chose a color for the closet cabinets. FYI, I’m going with Clear Vista on the left. I might end up having it mixed at 75%. We’ll see. But the drywall repair and priming was a pretty big project in this room that needed to be done, so I added it to the list just so I could cross it off. 😀

I had added that line item to the list for the bedroom because that’s going to be an even bigger job getting all of that drywall repaired and primed and ready for wallpaper and wainscoting.

I had definitely hoped to be further along on the bedroom suite by now, so I do feel like I’m a little behind the schedule that I had planned in my head. But also, I tend to be a bit overzealous and unreasonable when it comes to timelines. My Wonder Woman syndrome often leads me to believe that I can get far more done in a period of time than is actually possible. In reality, I think I’m off to a pretty good start on my list for the first two months! We’ll check back at the beginning of May and see how these next two months go.

If you want to keep up with my 2025 list of home goals (and my progress with links to finished projects!) you can see that here: 2025 Master List of Home Goals



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